Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Nootka Dorm Renovation at Young Life’s Malibu Club

Established in 1975, the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust has awarded more than $960 million through 6,000 grants to programs that enrich the quality of life for residents of Alaska, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington. Organizations that have benefited from Murdock Trust grants include the Young Life Malibu Club.

Once a resort catering to Hollywood’s elite, Young Life’s Malibu Club is now a popular summer camp destination that has hosted a quarter of a million teens since 1954. It offers opportunities to explore nature and engage in outdoor sports like mountain biking, sailing, ziplining, and horseback riding.

The grant from the Murdock Trust has helped the club renovate one of its original buildings, the Nootka dorm. Among other outcomes, the renovation brought the dorm up to code, making it a safe and comfortable place for teens to learn from their peers and build self-confidence.